“A 7 Day Shamanic Course taught by Roel Fredrix, a mystic and shamanic healer initiated in the Healing tradition of the Inca Lineage. This is an experience of remembering our true nature as ‘Earthkeepers’ and re-learning energetic skills we once mastered and used to manifest wellbeing”


What to expect during your stay in Sweden: 

This expedition is about learning the art of “SHAMANIC LAND AND COLLECTIVE ENERGY FIELD HEALING”. It teaches how to read the imprinted history of a certain area, tapping into the collective field of information that is surrounding, organizing and influencing that area. You will learn how to step into the “subconscious” of the land and learn how to energetically heal the unbalances and traumas that still linger at this location. It teaches how to rebalance and empower it using an ancient Power Matrix of Energy resembling the Cusco Ceqe System in Peru.

“All that you heal in the collective field, will be reflected in your own life. - Roel Fredrix

What you will gain from this experience:

The Shamanicc Nature Expedition offers profound and transformative benefits that touch every aspect of your being. Participants often experience internal gains such as an awakening of their seeing abilities and heightened senses, increased intuition, a deepened sense of purpose, and spiritual awakening. Many feel a powerful connection to the galaxy and stars, an enhanced capacity for love, and a sense of "coming home" to themselves. The retreat can also unlock ancient wisdom, empower your energy system, and provide personal healing for deep, collective patterns. Beyond these internal shifts, the retreat empowers individuals to extend their healing abilities outward—offering the capacity to heal and harmonize their families, living spaces, and even businesses or organizations. Participants often gain the skills to perform land and property healing for others, cultivate a profound connection to the earth and nature, and communicate deeply with the beings of the natural world


Who this training is for:

Anyone who feels drawn to shamanic work in general, wishes to take part in indigenous ceremony and healing work, and wishes to train their energetic skills or broaden their shamanic toolkit. For those who feel called to take part, but are less experienced in the shamanic realm, Roel will offer a preparation workshop that teaches the fundamentals of the ancient Inca healing work. 


To join the shamanic retreat, participants are expected to meet the following prerequisites:

  • Intuitive Awareness: Possess intuitive skills, sensitivity to energy, and the ability to “read” atmospheres and people.

  • Energy Work Experience: Have prior experience working with or processing energies.

  • Comfort with Nature: Feel at ease in nature and be comfortable with primitive outdoor living conditions.

  • Openness to Ceremonial Practices: Be open to participating in ceremonies involving mushrooms and undertaking a one-day and one-night vision quest.

  • Physical and Emotional Well-being: Be in good physical, mental, and emotional health.

If you feel uncertain about your readiness, a preparation program is available. This program includes workshops, online sessions, or other formats that teach shamanic energy skills and intuitive practices. These can be practiced at home to prepare for the retreat in Sweden. Participants who have already completed the West of the Inca Shamanic Medicine Wheel and advanced work are exempt from the preparatory program.

The shamanic retreat will take place from June 12–20, 2025 on the West Coast of Sweden, in the Uddevalla area, Bohuslän. Arrival is on June 12, and departure is on June 20. The retreat will be led by Roel Fredrix (teachings) and Jorn Vetter (host and logistics), with assistance from experienced shamanic apprentices.The price is €1650 (incl. VAT), covering training, lodging, and food (transportation not included). An early bird price of €1500 is available for full payments made before February 1, 2025.


The Shamanic Nature Expedition takes place at the Living With The Land venue, in the Swedish coastal forests of Bohuslän. Our program will roughly look like this (provided that changes may apply depending on weather conditions).

  • June 12 (Arrival Day): Arrival from 4:00 PM onwards.

  • June 13 (Course Day 1): Opening Ceremony, preparation of senses, and energy skills.

  • June 14 (Course Day 2): Further skill preparation and beginning the construction of the energetic infrastructure on the island.

  • June 15 (Course Day 3): Building the energetic infrastructure continues, with a focus on seeing and nature communication.

  • June 16 (Course Day 4): Reading the island’s imprints of the past, fasting, vision quest, and plant medicine ceremony.

  • June 17 (Course Day 5): Integration of the vision quest and healing the land and nature from imprints.

  • June 18 (Course Day 6): Empowering the land and nature with cosmic energies.

  • June 19 (Course Day 7): Integration and implementation, followed by a closing ceremony and celebration.

  • June 20 (Departure Day): Departure.

To register for this experience, please first get in touch with us by sending an email to Roel Fredrix After that you will be contacted directly for to book a (free) 30 minute intake call. During this call we will also share with you how to prepare and pay for the experience. For all practical matters, such as food, lodging & transport please contact Jorn Vetter @ Mountain Medicine.